Feeling safer starts here.
Learn how to feel and be safe everywhere & anywhere
Use our free tools and resources

Take a home security quiz
Learn where your home might be at risk of break-in with our handy quiz and get a report with security tips tailored to your home.
✔️ Takes just 5 mins
✔️ Now available in 5 languages
✔️ Full report on home security
✔️ Tailored tips for your home
✔️ Simple and actionable steps

Tour our virtual home
✔️ Fun and interactive
✔️ Family friendly
✔️ Spot Rufus the dog
✔️ Find the security weak spots
✔️ Learn simple security tips
✔️ Great tool for kids

Assess your farm security
Take our quiz and learn where your farm might be vulnerable to crime and simple ways you can reduce the risk and protect your livelihood.
✔️ Suitable for all farm types
✔️ Full report on farm security
✔️ Tailored tips for your farm
✔️ Simple, easy-to-action steps
✔️ Developed with Victoria Police

Explore safety at school
A school-based learning program for primary students to learn how their surroundings help them feel and be safe.
✔️ Fun and active learning
✔️ Great for all year levels
✔️ Aligns to Victorian Curriculum
✔️ Improve school environment
✔️ View school through safety lens
✔️ Free curriculum material

Help your community
Neighbourhood Watch members work together to help people feel safer and be part a more vibrant, caring neighbourhood.
✔️ Connect with like-minded people
✔️ Help create a safer community
✔️ Work with Victoria Police
✔️ Find your sense of belonging
✔️ Access the latest tips and advice

Learn to prevent crime
Explore our online crime prevention information hub to find out how to protect yourself, your family and your livelihood from crime.
✔️ Latest security and safety advice
✔️ Simple and actionable tips
✔️ Access local crime stats
✔️ Download free resources
✔️ Info for all situations
Our initiative
At Neighbourhood Watch Victoria, we aim to help you feel safer and more connected, wherever you live, work, learn or play.
So, we launched How Safe Is My Place, a program which helps you learn where your home, school or farm might be vulnerable to crime and the simple, actionable steps you can take to feel safer.
We have created some fun, interactive tools and resources where you can learn more about security, get some simple and effective tips on how you can safeguard your home or farm, improve your school environment, and help make your neighbourhood an even better place to live.
Your home
A Victorian home is burgled every 24 minutes!*
Although crime on average is declining across Victoria, it still occurs. And, as we return to a new normal, our homes become even more vulnerable.
Almost one-third of residential burglaries occur without force and largely for opportunistic reasons. While some burglaries are unavoidable, there are ways in which you can keep your home and family secure, and deter lazy, opportunistic thieves.
*Statistics as of 2021.

Experience augmented reality
If you thought home security was a boring topic, you’re in for a surprise. With our augmented reality app, you can tour our virtual home, spot the security risks and discover tips to make your home safer – all from the comfort of your couch.
How Safe Is My Place is a fun, interactive, family-friendly app designed to help you learn how to make your home more secure from break-in.
Or scan this QR Code with your smartphone or tablet.
(Currently only on App Store and Requires iOS 13.0 or later)

Your farm
Livestock theft has hit a 10-year high in Victoria, while fuel theft is also on the rise.*
Unfortunately, remote roads, secluded sheds and unattended paddocks provide thieves with an easy opportunity to steal machinery, livestock, tools, fuel and other farm assets. It’s not only a huge financial cost for farmers, but also causes great stress and hardship.
By understanding where your farm might be at risk, making some simple changes to your security and taking some extra precautions, you can minimise the chance of your property being targeted.
*Statistics as of 2021.

Your school

Kids have the right to feel safe at all times – at home, school and in the community.
Our Neighbourhood Watch 4 Kids How Safe is My School program teaches primary students how their school can be a welcoming and safe environment for all.
It’s a fun, interactive program for kids to do as part of their school curriculum. They’ll learn that feeling safe and secure is as much about their physical environment as it is about people’s actions and behaviours – knowledge they can take back to their families and through their lives.